3.1.3 Analysis
Plate Bicycle Route shows the cycle travelling time, for the average cyclist, divided into temporal service areas of 10, 20, 30, and 60 minutes. In the model, the time zones south of SFU looks reasonable. However, there is no doubt that the service areas at the west side of Burnaby Mountain contain error. The service area model indicates that it will take a cyclist one hour to reach Cliff avenue at Hastings from SFU. It is also unreasonable to take 30 minutes to go from Duthie Avenue to Cliff Avenue, which are only four blocks apart.
Explanation for this error is that the cycle route in this area is not connected. There are many sections of the cycle route that do not belong to the street network used by automobiles. Network analysis ignores other roads and streets, which could be used for cycling.
Plates Morning Rush Hour, Off Peak Hours, Evening Rush Hour display services within travel distances of Burnaby Mountain, and document their changing temporal distance as traffic friction increases during rush hours. Essential services are of interest. The Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster 7.5 km away from SFU, is the nearest medical trauma centre. During a non rush hour period, it would take an ambulance almost nine minutes to reach Burnaby Mountain, as the ambulance does not have to stop for red lights, and thus can pass through each intersection (node) unhindered (theoretically). In the evening rush hour, when traffic flow is heaviest coming off the mountain, it takes an ambulance over 16 minutes to reach the New Westminster hospital. It would take the Police well over 20 minutes, assuming that a patrol car is not already on a road anywhere between SFU and the Police Station.
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